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The Ranch

The historic Twin Oaks Ranch was established in the mid 1800’s along the shores of the Nueces River. This beautiful 10,000 acre South Texas Ranch is home to a diverse mixture of habitat and terrain. Majestic Live Oak trees line the draws of Long Hollow Creek. Mesquite, Guajillo and Prickly Pear Cactus sprawl though-out the ranch's rolling hills with a complementary mix of Sage and Mountain Laurel.
The seasons prompt new colors throughout the ranch. We're blessed to witness the vast variety of trees, shrubs and flowers painting an ever changing masterpiece throughout the year.
The "plant life display" is rivaled only by the abundance of wildlife here at the ranch! White-tailed Deer, Turkey, Javelina and Wild Hogs instinctively roam the ranch. The fascinating & plentiful array of bird species including the Bob White Quail, White winged and Mourning Dove are found here year round.

The Gray Fox, Armadillo, Badger, Squirrel, Raccoon, Cottontail, Bobcat and Mountain Lion (among others) have all found refuge here at the ranch.
Our goal has been not to disturb this delicate balance of nature but to further enhance its potential through strategic pasture improvements focused on developing habitat conducive to nurturing and sustaining a consistent population of Wild Game.
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