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Guided Photography Hunts

Looking for a new Outdoor Challenge for the spring or Summer? Inflight now offers guided photography hunts! Come with your camera or cellphone and learn how to bring home the beauty of birds, animals, butterflies and wildflowers for your family to enjoy. This great couples adventure can be combined with a Turkey or Exotic package hunt. Inflight has excellent experienced guides, offering the ability to shoot pictures from seasoned photography blinds and on safari-drives.
Call 210-216-6565 or InFlight Outfitters 1031 FM 534 Mathis, TX 78368 Ranch Manager's Cell: 361-960-3556 info@inflightoutfitters.com All of our guides have been Grand Prize winners in previous Wildlife in Focus Photography Contests.

Check out the Contest website at www.wildlifeinfocus.org
Photography Guides websites below:
Photography Guides

Chris Deadman Winston
My name is Chris Deadman Winston. I've been a birder since 2014 and started guiding on The La Ramirena Ranch in 2017 through 2022.
I'm from Corpus Christi, Texas and have traveled extensively to follow birds migrate for the winter and summer. My bucket list included driving to Nebraska following the Sandhill Cranes that migrate here. I stayed for 2 weeks and didn't want to leave. That was a great experience especially how many friends I met and continue to stay in touch with.
I was a photographer in Wildlife In Focus for the years 2017 and 2019. I placed in 2017 and won The People's Choice Award.
Having this chance to guide on The Twin Oaks is an unbelievable gift that the Vaughn's have given me and I am gracious to be a part of this gorgeous ranch.
Please contact me for birding and if requested at an additional cost you may stay in the lodge and/or stay for breakfast, lunch or dinner or all.
I look forward to meeting all of my friends on the ranch and new friends from all over our great world.
Chris Deadman Winston
chrisdeadmanwinston@gmail.com (PLEASE reference Twin Oaks Birding on your e mail)
361-290-9999 (leave a detailed message)

Walton Cude
All guests must sign a Liability and Indemnification Release upon arrival